One snail

One snail

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Encouraging news...

Today's consult with my surgeon was very encouraging!  Dr. Wright is very nice--and a geek which goes a long way with me. :-)  We actually spent part of the time discussing computer-assisted therapy and using Second Life for mental health support.  Turns out he did some research on cognitive-behavioral methods of treatment at graduate school--and his father trained with Aaron Beck (a huge guru in the field who I just lectured about to one of my classes last week)!

So, needless to say, I was impressed with him...and I THINK he and the team were impressed with me.  (Hope that doesn't sound as egotistical as it did to write it...)  I was super-prepared, had watched their videos online and done a lot of my own research about bariatric surgery, and my physical showed no additional health concerns that they were worried about. He didn't need any extra tests or screenings.  In fact, at least at this point, here's all I have left to do to get to the final decision/scheduling point:

  • Blood tests (Oct 31 8:30 am)
  • Social worker meeting (Oct 31 9:00 am)
  • Nutritionist meeting (Nov 1 2:30 pm)
  • Go over test results with ARNP (will be scheduled after all of the above)
The client services specialist is also super nice, and after we all got a little excited with where I am in the process she was able to move up my nutrition consult a week!  Very cool team there, and I feel very comfortable with them.

So, a cautious celebration is in order!


  1. Congrats on a great appointment. Doesn't it feel great to get things scheduled? I'm such a planner that was a big deal for me to actually have things scheduled. Glad you like your team, they play such a HUGE part in your aftercare and how successful you will be.

    1. Thanks, Colleen! It is definitely important to me to plan ahead...I am department chair for my program at my college, and am currently writing our 2013-2014 schedule! That's very far in advance. :-)

  2. Super organized and informed is awesome. I was the same with my surgeon....although he is no geek :( haha!

    Can't wait to see you progress!

    Also, I have some terrible arthritis as well. I upped my intake of gluclosamine before surgery since I knew I wouldnt be having any of my regular meds for a couple of weeks, and found some liquid gluclosamine this week. Back on it. Not taking any anti-inflams has been hard. I have mostly neck degeneration and one ankle. So sleeping has been rough. Looking forward to my monday follow up to see if I can start back on some ibuprofens again. :)

  3. That is encouraging news. Being comfortable with your surgeon and his or her team is very important! And KUDOS to you for researching...that is something I did a LOT of BEFORE having WLS and I think it so necessary to be informed.
