One snail

One snail

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ten Things Thursday

I've seen some of you doing this thing called "Ten Things Thursday" and thought I'd give it a try.  (I don't know who started it, so sorry I don't know who to credit for it!) (UPDATE: I learned that the credit for starting this goes to Laura Belle of Beer, Dogs, and Getting Healthier!)   Here goes...

1. I swept off my deck yesterday.  My arms are really remembering it today!  It needed to be done, though, and I have been putting it off for weeks.  I even worked out last night too!

2. I go back to work tomorrow.  I teach at community college, and it's the start of Faculty Return Week.  Yes, on a Friday.  No, I don't know why.  (Well, it's probably our union contract.)  I'm worried because I am newly on my eating plan (to lose 5%) and I haven't had to deal with the stresses and temptations at work yet!  That leads me to...

3. I got this totally cool bento box for bringing lunches in.  I had been longingly looking at Shelly's at The World According to Egg Face and broke down and bought one.  I'm excited to try packing it.  Here's a picture below.  You can find it at  bento box lunchbox lunches
4. It's sunny but cool here today.  Definitely fall in the Pacific Northwest!  Fall is my favorite season. :-)

5. My snails are back!  Guess they were laying low while we had higher temps here (without rain, go figure).  But they came out for some new lettuce leaves last night.  (See pictures of my snails here on my page.)

6. I'm going to plan something to go in my crockpot tomorrow morning, so it'll be ready when I get home from work.  I have to do this...I'm going to do this!

7. My organic farm box comes today!  I hope there are some good veggies in it.  Last week I got multi-colored carrots!

8. My dog jumped on me and repeatedly licked my face this morning until I got up.  She's a border collie/Australian shepherd and quite persistent!  Here she is:

9. I need to go through my work clothes (see #2 above).  I don't have a lot left from last year, so my co-workers and students will be seeing a lot of repeat outfits, lol.  However, I'm not going to buy anything new until I can buy a smaller size!  I'll make do with what I have...creative combinations, anyone?

10. Who should I tell about my (hopefully) upcoming weight loss surgery?  Should I tell my boss?  Should I wait until I have a set date?  How about my co-workers, especially my department team?  I know there are pluses and minuses to telling vs. not-telling.  I guess I'll play it by ear for now.

Well, look at that--I thought of 10 things!  Hope you enjoyed it.  I'm having fun reading other blogs and if you find me, you are welcome to return anytime!

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